It seems God is always molding, shaping, and changing me. There is ALWAYS something to work on. I am thankful He never gives up on me. There are so many times I know He is shaking His head at me, but He faithfully works on me. I don’t deserve such dedication, grace, and mercy, but He pours it out on me daily.
I am a lover of words, whether it be those in a song, book, a sign, the list goes on and on. If you have ever visited my home, I have loads of pictures on the walls, but there are also words everywhere. I love to read and I’ve been studying The God Empowered Wife: How Strong Women Can Help Their Husbands Become Godly Leaders. Today I read one of the most empowering passages I’ve ever read, especially in my almost 21 years of marriage:
“But marriage is more like a rock tumbler–a place where two people bounce around together, knocking the rough edges off each other, and being sanded smooth by the grit of the Holy Spirit. It’s one of God’s most important tools for making men and women more holy, and it’s not easy. But it is glorious… If you don’t understand that, you will inevitably want to escape when marriage gets too hard, hoping to find someone else who will make you less angry or less irritable. Someone, in other words, who will bring out less of your sin. That kind of thinking betrays a lack of understanding of God’s ways. He doesn’t allow you to have struggles in your marriage because He wants to harm you. He allows them because He knows exactly what you need in order to reveal the sins and idols you can’t see in yourself, overcome them, and share more greatly in His joy and fellowship… You can run from God, but you can’t hide…No matter how far you go, He will never stop pursuing you and drawing you into His holiness process.”
I am so very thankful today that I live in a rock tumbler, and that I am married to my sweet husband. I am not perfect and he is not perfect, but my husband is the perfect stone created by God for me. Thank you, Lord, for using that precious man to smooth out my rough edges. I’m grateful, Father, that you cleanse us and wash over us like water smooths the rocks.